Our Expertise- Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering

Infradesign understands the need to meet client expectations in terms of project documentation, and the process of obtaining necessary permit approval from relevant regulatory authorities.

Our civil engineers aim for excellence with each individual project; from multi-unit stormwater to infrastructure drainage projects. Our professionals will support and guide you through each step.

Whether it’s a drainage and paving design for multi-unit development, or a project you require assistance with to obtain regulatory approval, our team of engineers can assist you in a timely and  cost effective manner. Whether you’re starting a new project, in the developmental stages of an approved project, or require assistance with existing structures, we can offer you the expertise your project demands.

Our services include:

Drainage Designs

Residential, Commercial and Industrial Storm Water Drainage Design

On-site Detention System

  • Storm Water Pump System
  • Multi-cell System
  • Connection to Melbourne Water Waterways
  • Soakage Pit
  • Pollution Control
  • Rainwater Tank Storage
  • Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD)
  • Outfall Drainage
  • Road Design


Road Engineering

Infradesign  provides highway and street design including traffic structures and utilities.

Drainage Engineering

We design stormwater drainage and conduct flood studies, manage, and coordinate, client projects, liaise with local councils, clients, and other stakeholders, attend client meetings with Project Manager’s and other consultants

Land Development Engineering

With extensive experience in land development, we provide initial project feasibility advice, planning, permit application, detailed design, assessment, and contract administration